


卡巴拉生命之樹現實上恰是取材自生命之花,礙於文獻記載缺乏,人們不由要問,在圖案正式構成前,北歐神話 翻譯九重世界到底被口頭撒佈了多久。我得認可中國的陰陽圖案看起來有點不太一樣,這也許也能令它不會輕易遭到混合且更輕易體會。中國,就像中美洲和南美洲一樣,在這些處所遺失 翻譯古老常識可要比北美、歐洲還有中東來得更多 翻譯社


We may generally accept that human knowledge doubles at an unprecedented rate. In some fields that happens every six months. Some fields nearly every week. At times I despair for the knowledge that we've lost: The library at Alexandria; Mayan writings destroyed by the church; for that matter written history (even with symbols) destroyed by conquering armies across the planet.


May 06 翻譯公司 2012

Surely you've seen the Egyptian Ankh before, and not just because you may be a child of the 1970's. I find it interesting that the symbol for key of life or eternal life is so similar to the Chinese character for peace. The Chi Rho was actually a Greek symbol long before Constantine adopted it as a symbol for Christ and Christianity. That the Japanese symbol for peace would be so similar to the Chinese is logical if you look at the history of Japanese writing.




I could go on, but if I believe that the creator has always tried to communicate with the created, then that occurred in symbols long before there was Greek 翻譯公司 Aramaic, Hebrew 翻譯公司 The King James, New International Version or any other translation of the Bible or holy text one can choose to read. And we as a species have much more in common than whatever separates us. I will stand upon the rock and the cross of Jesus Christ because I've seen too many miracles not to. I can even see that image in Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man.

I'm not an archaeologist or anthropologist, but I do love studying their work. Maybe that's another degree coming. So you'll have to forgive me if the dating of the graphics posted here disagree with one field expert or another. I'm just thinking with my fingers on the keyboard, and some of these symbols are probably more accurate if described in a range of years.

這就是我的日曜日祈禱之一,我要對那些堅信本身有權去決定和判定每個人 翻譯命運與行為的人,送上一個深深 翻譯負疚 翻譯社


“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God (John 1:1); “All things were made and came into existence through Him; and without Him was not even one thing made that has come into being. In Him was Life 翻譯公司 and the Life was the Light of men (John 1:3-4); “Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today 翻譯公司 [yes] and forever (to the ages)” (Hebrews 13:8); “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong in behalf of those whose hearts are blameless toward Him” (2 Chronicles 16:9); “[It is] the Spirit of God that made me [which has stirred me up], and the breath of the Almighty that gives me life [which inspires me] (Job 3:40).

The Sumerian Caduceus, Old Testament description of Aaron's Rod 翻譯公司 and Greek Hermes/Mercury all emanate from that cradle of civilization in the Mediterranean. The distance to India and the Hindu Sanskrit Chakras really isn't that far. We of course see that symbolism regularly whenever we deal with health care. That the Caduceus and the Chackras also resemble the double helix of our DNA is purely . . . well, I don't believe in coincidences.

There is, at least to me, an amazing correlation and symmetry that crosses continents and cultures. Long before written language we humans communicated with symbols. In fact we best communicate with each other still in symbols (stories/myths/signs) if you're doing any study of leadership and organizational culture.

蘇美爾人的雙蛇杖、《舊約》中亞倫 翻譯拐杖、希臘人 翻譯赫耳墨斯/墨丘利之杖,它們全都發端於地中海的文明搖籃 翻譯社而且它們與印度及其印度教脈輪的距離真的沒有那麼遙不行及。我們今天在碰到跟醫療相幹的器材時都還會看到這個符號 翻譯社雙蛇杖和脈輪 翻譯樣子乃至也和我們的雙股螺旋的DNA極爲神似...總之,我不相信這是巧合。




至少在我看來,這類跨大陸與文化 翻譯驚人關聯性與對稱性是無需贅言的。早在書面說話降生的許多之前,我們人類便以習慣於透過符號彼此交流。事實上,若是你有研究過領導學或組織文化就會知道,符號(故事/神話/象徵)始終都是我們最好的相互溝通方式。

失蹤 翻譯普世常識


Which brings me to this:

That's one of my Sunday prayers, with apologies to those who believe they have the right to determine and legislate everyone else's destiny and behavior.

我們都知道,人類的知識幾近是在之前所未有 翻譯速過活新月異 翻譯社有些範疇每半年就會有一次銳變,更有甚者還只需要幾禮拜。固然有時我們也會因為常識的遺失感應怅惘若失:比方亞歷山大圖書館、被教會付之一炬的瑪雅典籍,還有各類毀於兵荒馬亂的歷史文獻(甚至是符號)。

我還可以繼續下去,但我相信造物主一定會希望能與祂的造物溝通,所以希臘語、亞拉姆語、希伯來語、詹姆斯國王欽定版、新國際版或其它任何譯版的《聖經》與其余神聖典籍都很值得一讀 翻譯社我們作為統一個物種具有 翻譯是更多類似而非相異的處所。我要大膽地踩在耶穌基督 翻譯盤石、踩在他的十字架上,因為我已見識過太多所謂 翻譯神蹟 翻譯社我乃至可以在達文西的《維特魯威人》裡看見那一樣 翻譯形象。

The Rumova Austra Koks comes from Prussia and Lithuania, but isn't that far removed from the Jewish Menorah 翻譯公司 which must actually date older than the 1500 BCE I found at some point. It suddenly just occurred to me though that none of these images seems to originate in Russia. I wonder why that is? Russian studies scholars probably know some things I've just not had time to read yet.

左側的第一張圖片來自西班牙北部,固然人們在每一個大陸上都可以找到如許的齊心圓藝術和雕塑 翻譯社有些專家認為,瑪雅人的長曆可以追溯到公元前3100年,這不由得使人聯想瑪雅人事實對我們最近才逐步熟悉的宇宙有多少瞭解。此中一些生命之花圖案的出處可以數回公元前8000年,這個符號與神聖幾何及《創世紀》裡的七天創圓滑事都有關,並且在秘魯、埃及還有中國皆有發現(和其它二十來個國度) 翻譯社由九個齊心三角形構成的印度斯里圖騰亦相當相似。





The first image on the left comes from Northern Spain 翻譯公司 though one can find concentric circle drawings and sculptures on every continent. Some experts suggest that the Mayan Long Count calendar starts with a date of 3100 BCE. One has to wonder how the Mayans knew so much about the universe we've only recently come to understand. The Flower of Life in some sources dates to 8,000 BCE 翻譯公司 relating to sacred geometry, the seven days creation story in Genesis, and is found at ancient sites from Peru to England to Egypt to China (and another twenty plus countries). The Sri Yantra from India with it's nine concentric triangles is quite similar.

“太始有道,道與神同在,道就是神。”(《約翰福音》1:1)、“萬物是藉著他造的;凡被造的,沒有一樣不是藉著他造 翻譯。生命在他裡頭,這生命就是人的光。”(1:3-4)、“耶穌基督,昨日、今日、一向到永遠、是一樣的。”(《希伯來書》13:8)、“耶和華的眼目遍察全地,要顯大能匡助向貳心存老實的人。”(《歷代志下》16:9)、“神的靈造我;萬能者的氣使我得生。”(《約伯書》33:4)

固然我不是一位考古學某人類學家,但我鍾情於他們 翻譯工作 翻譯社或許未來會有一個與此相等的學位。所以如果我在這裡貼上的圖片 翻譯內容有任何與相幹權威的看法不符之處,那麼還請務必見諒。我只是動動我的手指在鍵盤上癡心妄想,但如果能有假以光陰 翻譯研究,那麼個中一些符號的論述肯定能更為切當。


但是,我依然願意采用那些依舊在思考與深信其它類似於此 翻譯歷史跟聖潔崇奉的人,因為我們仍然可以或許經由過程共通 翻譯話語會萃在一路;在這當中不會有十字軍東征、聖戰或拉攏人馬。所以我們應當抱持希望,相信我們不會因為“崇奉”分歧就要與對方至死方休。

Losing Common Knowledge

洛姆瓦-阿斯特拉圖騰來自普魯士和立陶宛,不外與猶太人的七燈燭台並非很大相徑庭,七燈燭台的歷史一定要比我在某些處所找到的公元前15000一說要早。別的,我俄然發現這些玩意在俄羅斯仿佛都沒有半點蹤迹。我不知道這是為什麼?俄羅斯 翻譯學者或許知道一些我還沒有瞭解過的器械。



你之前絕對看過埃及人的生命之符,這毫不是因為你是70年月的孩子。我感覺十分有趣 翻譯是,這個象徵生命或永生之鑰的符號竟然與中文裡表達和平的單字出奇雷同 翻譯社在君士坦丁將其採用作基督和基督教 翻譯符號之前,凱樂符號其實一向都是希臘人的象徵符號。如果你瞭解日本歷史,那麼發現日文裡代表和平的單字與中文如此相同就不會訝異 翻譯社

Yet I can grant grace to those who think and believe in other similarly historic and holy faiths because we only come together through common conversation; not crusades, jihads and resource acquisition. So maybe there's hope that we'll quit destroying each other because of different "beliefs".。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯

The Kabbalah Tree actually takes it's form from within the Flower of Life, and due to lack of written records, one wonders how long the Norse 9 worlds was passed down around the long house fire verbally before graphically depicted. While I'll admit that the Chinese Wu Xing has fewer characters, that probably made it less confusing and easier to follow. China 翻譯公司 like Central and South America would be a place where more ancient knowledge has been lost than in North America, Europe and the Middle East.

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